w i e s e k n i t knitting patterns difficulty levels
I strive to make my knitting patterns as accessible and understandable as possible. All abbreviations are explained when encountered for the first time and I always do my best to explain clearly and precisely what to do, so that you feel like you are being supported throughout. I also always place an opening section on all patterns, explaining the techniques that will be used for each pattern. You will find many great videos on YouTube for knitting techniques, which I can recommend to you if you feel stuck at any given point, or if you feel more at ease with visual explanations.Â
1 - Beginner friendly. These are patterns that are perfect if you are just starting, or for an easy project. They are thoroughly explained and you will find no advanced techniques or abbreviations.
2 – Intermediate beginner. For this level, you will need a little more experience than for the beginner patterns. In these patterns you will find purl stitches, increases, decreases and abbreviations (these techniques are always explained when they are first introduced).
3 - Intermediate. You will need to learn a few more techniques to knit the patterns in this level, such as short rows, picking up stitches for sleeves or neck, and different ways to cast-on and cast-off.
4 – Advanced intermediate. These patterns are a little more advanced than for the intermediate level, as they will require you to use more than one technique at once, such as knitting short rows at the same time as making raglan increases, for example.
5 - Advanced. These patterns will require you to be comfortable at keeping track of several techniques at once. You will need to be confident and willing to encounter new techniques and new construction methods.